Pressure Regulator On Air Compressors: How to Adjust

Pressure Regulator On Air Compressors: How to Adjust
Pressure Regulator On Air Compressors: How to Adjust

How to Adjust Air Compressor Pressure Regulator

Air compressors are one of the most important tools in industrial production, and in fact, it is necessary to run proper maintenance regularly so it can provide you with efficient results. However, first, we need to know how the air compressor functions. An air compressor converts potential energy, for example, diesel, gasoline, etc. into potential energy. This energy stores in air compressors that result in high pressure.

The pressure inside the air compressor starts to decrease when we start using the high-pressure air. When this happens the pressure inside hits the lower level that stimulates the air compressor to start building pressure again

To let the air compressor function properly, adjustments of an air compressor pressure regulator is needed so it can smoothly let the air compressor and air tools function accurately.  For this, we use a pressure regulator, a device that adjusts the pressure inside the air compressor. A pressure regulator allows you to regulate the airflow by increasing or decreasing it through a valve, also there is a small monitor that displays the pressure in your tank. On an industrial level, they have large air compressors that mean they have more than one air pressure regulator that allows them to use the air compressor for many purposes.

Why is adjustment important and how a regulator works?

The air pressure on a regulator is controlled by a large screw, which is called a setscrew that controls the airflow from the tank. The setscrew controls the pressure with the help of springs, which are connected to the main tubes of the setscrew. Diaphragm flexes when the air pressure changes by the regulator, which helps in keeping the pressure level steady. The thing you need to be very careful about is an arrow sign this very important because when the pressure is too low it only pushes hot air from the compressor, and if it is too high then it will damage the cooling system of the air compressor.

How to Adjust Air Compressor Pressure Regulator?

We have listed down steps to adjust your air pressure regulator

  1. Turn on the air compressor. Connect the air compressor with the regulator and turn it on.
  2. Fill the tank. After you have turned on the compressor wait for a while to let the tank fully fill.
  3. Make sure it is full. This can be easily identified if the air is fully filled as the compressor creates a certain noise, which ensures that it is filled.
  4. Check the air tool compatibility and check PSI. After the air pressure reaches its limit; you can take out the air tool and check the PSI.
  5. Connect the tool and tube to the air compressor. If the PSI is compatible with the air compressor; connect the air tool and the air tube.
  6. Adjust the Regulator. Complete the mentioned connection above and adjust the regulator.
  7. Pull out the knob. Unlock the knob and turn it clockwise to raise the pressure.
  8. Lock the amount. To lower the pressure, turn it in anti-clockwise and push the knob to lock it.

The air pressure regulator can vary depending on the air compressor, also some air compressor doesn’t come up with a regulator but it doesn’t mean they are unreliable, you can always opt for a portable regulator. It is very important to regularly maintain and check the air compressor to increase its life.


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