Why Is My Air Compressor Oil Getting Milky?

Why Is My Air Compressor Oil Getting Milky?
Why Is My Air Compressor Oil Getting Milky?

Air Compressor Oil Getting Milky

The term ‘oil getting milky’ is mostly used when the coolant is mixed with the oil and causes the machine to stop working. The oil is diluted and causes problems for any machine to work properly. Sometimes, air compressors’ oil tends to get milky due to three main reasons:

Change in Weather

When there is a change in weather and temperature falls below 14 degrees Fahrenheit, the air compressor starts causing problems due to condensation in its components. Due to cooler temperature around the air compressor, it is unable to burn the water vapors, which then mix with the oil and make it milky.

It can be very damaging for the air compressor and its components. Therefore, it is highly advised to take proper precautions before the winter season starts by insulating it or installing internal heaters to maintain the temperature around the air compressor and prevent it from possible problems.

Air Compressor is Not Used Enough

Another reason for air compressor oil getting milky is when it is not used enough, again it does not get to burn the water vapors and cools down the system which makes the oil milky and creates a problem for the air compressor. So if you are moving out temporarily or going on long vacations, make sure someone is there to switch on the air compressor from time to time so it keeps functioning properly.

Oil Dilution

The third reason for air compressor oil getting milky is when the coolant gets mixed with the oil. It contaminates the oil which prevents the engine from providing enough lubricant to function properly. In case you observe a change in color of coolant reserves, along with water drops on the oil cap and milky residues, then it means the oil is getting mixed with the coolants.

This can turn out to be a very serious problem for your air compressor, if you notice something like this then it is a sign that air compressor needs repair and maintaining.

Sometimes, high humidity can also cause condensation, but the real problem is severe winter weather. The cold temperature does not let the engine to burn properly or produce enough heat. Under such circumstances, it is best to take the following precautions:

Change oil

Keeping changing the oil or weekly or monthly basis so it does not harm the air compressor by getting milky. Maintain a schedule to keep a check on the air compressor so such issues surface themselves in time.

Keep it Warm

You can few measures to ensure temperature around the air compressor to be warm so the harsh winter weather does not affect its productivity. You can insulate the pipes and the air compressor itself to normalize the temperature. Furthermore, you can also install internal heaters to keep the temperature normal and do not let it cause any problems.

Maintenance of air compressors during the winter season becomes a challenging task. However, taking preventive measures can ensure smooth winters and no air compressor glitches.


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Dave S
2 years ago

Have you ever found a solution?
I have almost identical pump with same issues.