Troubleshooting Porter Cable & Bostitch: Air Compressor Won’t Turn On

Air compressor won't turn on: Porter Cable and Bostitch
Air compressor won’t turn on: Porter Cable and Bostitch

Troubleshooting a Porter Cable Air Compressor or a Bostitch Air Compressor That Won’t Turn On

When you turn your air compressor on, you are expecting it to work. When it doesn’t, that causes the owner useless stress that can be avoided. If the air compressor is not working that means the tool itself will have issues. However, if you decide to immediately take it to the repair shop, be prepared for the amount of time and money that will get wasted. Instead, opt for another solution by inspecting it yourself, at first.

Air compressors come in various sizes and types, such as a Porter Cable or a Bostitch. However, they still end up going through problems of their own. Below are the steps you can take in order to troubleshoot the issues that may arise when the air compressor won’t turn on.

Troubleshooting a Porter Cable Air Compressor

Porter Cable air compressor comes in various types. When trying to figure out the issue in an electric air compressor, three factors should be taken into consideration: the power source, the tank must be changeable, must be able to keep constant pressure. Below are the steps to take in order to troubleshoot a Porter Cable air compressor when it does not start.

  1. Reassure that all of the plugs, the extension cord, and the like are connected. Make adjustments if necessary and try turning the power switch on again. If it is still not working then proceed to the next step.
  2. Plug in a radio or a lamp to the outlet and if it works then directly connect the compressor in the outlet by getting rid of the extension cords. Change the extension cords if this works. If it doesn’t work then proceed to the next step.
  3. Inspect the air compressor’s reset button. On some air compressors, it is located at the end of the motor housing. It is small in size and black in color. You should press it to reset the whole thing and test it again. If it still doesn’t work then inspect the circuit breaker box, because there is a possibility of a flipped breaker. Turn it off and back on and check the power again.
  4. The pressure release valve is located towards the left section of the compressor. Pull the ring to release pressure. This might start the compressor.

Troubleshooting a Bostitch Air Compressor 

These compressors consist of three main mechanisms: a tank, a pump, and the regulator that keeps the pressure steady. If the compressor is not working then the regulator could be the issue. Below are the steps that you should take in order to troubleshoot the Bostitch air compressor.

  1. Firstly, check the plugs to see if there is a loose connection or a tripped breaker. Fix those issues first and if the compressor still doesn’t turn on then the problem is with the compressor itself.
  2. Check the start and run capacitors. If it is melted or darkened then it has blown up and needs to be changed. Use the manual to find the electrical components and to know how to change them.
  3. Check for the presence of a leak. Spraying soapy water around the area could help locate the leak if bubbles start forming. Once located, fix it as needed.
  4. Undo the plug of the compressor to remove the belt. Rotate the shaft of the motor to ensure that it is freely spinning. You might have to take apart the motor to repair it if it appeared to be blocked.
  5. Inspect the tension of the belt. It should not be able to move sideways for more than a width of a finger. Correct the tension or change the belt if needed.

In the end, if despite all of your efforts your air compressor is not working or turning on then you should take a different approach. The problem could be a lot bigger than you have anticipated. If you cannot seem to figure out the problem then the last resort is to take it to a repair shop. Let the professionals handle the situation and help you in fixing your air compressor.

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