Stark Air Compressor is one of the best choices for those who are looking to get some industrial or commercial air compressors for a wide range of applications. They are certainly some of the most durable air compressors that you can get out there. These air compressors are seldom to cause you any troubles or issues with the day-to-day air compression needs. A few problems that you might have to face with these air compressors and their solutions are:
Stark Air Compressor Problems
1) Air Leaks on the compressor
Air leaks are a common problem with these air compressors and that does not only happen with the Stark Air Compressors but all the air compressors that are available out there in the market. But if you face any air leak on the compressor, that can be quite troublesome. A compressor leak can cause you to shut off the air compressor on a full charge. The gauge drops while the compressor is deactivated and it will simply shut off.
You will have to check on the compressor and make sure that there are no leaks on it. You will have to get the gaskets and all the seals checked and that is going to help you out in the perfect manner. If you are not that good with mechanics, you should get that checked with some technician and they will be able to diagnose it without causing you much trouble.
2) Air Leaks from the hood
There are also some leaks on the hood, that might be causing you to have the issue with air compressor operations. There can be different sorts of leaks on the hood like leakage from some outlet, nozzle, or a rubber pipe that is used for the air.
You just have to make sure that you trace the hissing sound if any coming from the hood. This will help you locate the leak effectively. After you have located the leak, you will be able to fix that up in the right manner and you will not be getting any sorts of issues or problems to face with the Stark Air Compressor.
3) Restricted Intake
You might also have to face some problems with the restricted intake of these Stark Air Compressors sometimes. If you feel like the air compressor is stuttering or the intake is not proper, you need to check on that effectively. First of all, clean the inlet and make sure that there are no dirt particles on it.
Afterward, you will have to take the filter off and that will help you in diagnosing the problem. Sometimes, the filter can be dirty, and removing the dirt will help you up in making it work optimally. If the cleaning doesn’t work out for you, you will have to replace the filter with a new one and that is going to help you fix the restricted air intake problem for good. You will have to ensure that you are using the right quality of air filter to get your air compressor working perfectly.