Central Pneumatic compressor user questions and comments

There is an online and bricks & mortar tool store called Harbor Freight. Among hundreds of different tools they sell air compressors. Their house brand is Central Pneumatic Air Compressors. Given that it’s a store-front retail organization, the folks that work there may not have a whole lot of information about compressed air the the Central Pneumatic compressors they sell. This is the page to get help! It’s your Central Pneumatic compressor users questions and comments page. Please read on…

Central Pneumatic Air Compressors - www.air-compressor-help.com

By house brand I mean that that Harbor Freight have their Central Pneumatic air compressors  built for them from a variety of sources, and those manufacturers label them as Central Pneumatic air compressors. Given the relatively low prices of this brand’s small air compressors, I wouldn’t think there is a whole lot of quality built in.

I perceive most, if not all, of the Central Pneumatic air compressors line to be low cost, home or small workshop oriented, compressors. If I were buying an air compressor for a full time, plant air tool or equipment running scenario, I would typically not buy or recommend Central Pneumatic air compressors.

For new Central Pneumatic air compressors the source is typically Harbor Freight. Many models of this compressor line are available from third party sellers and in the used compressor market, whether on line or other outlets.

Central Pneumatic Air Compressors Parts Supply & Service

I would not recommend this line of compressors for a number of reasons.

  • the store staff selling them are not typically compressor friendly
  • the on line and physical stores do not typically stock replacement parts
  • the sources of the various models and countries of origin vary over the years, meaning trying to track support and parts is problematical

I would not rely on store staff at Harbor Freight to recommend the right compressor for an application, for example. Having been in a number of Harbor Freight stores, their stock of parts for compressors – except for gauges, regulators, filters – is abysmal. You would have a very difficult time repairing a Central Pneumatic air compressors pump as few parts are available.

As to tracking parts for Central Pneumatic compressors, the logical first step is to contact them:

Many of our products have replacement parts available for purchase. To purchase a part, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-444-3353, Monday thru Saturday 5am to 9pm (PT), Sunday 6am to 6pm (PT).  Specify the product name, item number and description of the part when making your inquiry.

If you do not have the name, the model number, and all information from the compressor information plate, good luck with getting help. There are so many models over the years that you really need to get that information upfront before you start seeking help.

I guess the only really positive thing I can say about Harbor Freight Central Pneumatic air compressors is … they are cheap to buy. Maybe they are meant to use up and throw away, rather than maintain for the long term?

That’s my feeling anyway.

Got a question about your Harbor Freight / Central Pneumatic air compressor. Post it below and we’ll try and get help for you.

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keith farrell
5 years ago

hello can anyone tell me were i can find a flywheel for the 3 hp CENTRAL PNEUMATIC pump. harbor freight ABSOLUTELY no help.thanks

Brian Lilly
5 years ago

I have a 26gal And iT says its oil free but the piston iS geting extr hot and smells like it is burning. It is als sup to be 150psi and is only reaching 120psi

5 years ago

The $19.99 Central Pneumatic 1/2 inch air impact wrench manual says “Add a high quality machine oil to the oil inlet by removing the Oil Screw.” However it does not say how much oil. I know you add a few drops to the airline connection, but how much goes in the oil inlet?

Luke L
5 years ago

I have the 2hp 8 gal compressor and it is leaking oil. Is there a particular place to look to see where the oil is coming from?

Vee Pina
6 years ago

2hp…8gal.central compressor. It hums then kicks reset button. Capacitor?

JB McGuyver
6 years ago
Reply to  Jerry

I’m in mid repair of the HF (Cent Pneum) model 94667 21 gal. vertical oil lube compressor. Did you notice that the air pressure knob is actually a two piece design? With mine, there is a locking ring beneath the knob that you tighten in order to lock the knob in to place. It is black just like the knob it snugs up to above it. you may have to loosen that ring in order to allow the knob to move down. Hope this works for you.

6 years ago

I have a 17 gallon 150 maximum PSI Central Pneumatic. I cannot adjust the air pressure. The knob simply will not move anymore. It is stuck at the max which is good but I would like to be able to adjust it. Any suggestions? Thanks!

6 years ago

40400 2 Hp 8 gal cp keeps shutting off when building up air pressure, have to reset then runs, use air goes down and have to reset again.

6 years ago

I have a 21 gallon Central Pneumatic compressor, which would be the largest hose extension that supports?

Bradley Stefanik
7 years ago

We have purchased an air compressor not long ago and we use it only once in a while to hoop hats for an embroidery company. The fuse keeps popping and we have went out and purchased the correct replacements from an electric company by our building. As soon as you turn on the compressor it pops the fuse. We purchased it from Harbor Freight in yorkville New York, commercial drive. We have had it longer than 90 days but like I mentioned already we hardly use it and we need it for a job. Is there anything I can get… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Hey, Ron!

I have also a Central pneumatic 21 gallon air compressor and I bought it also about two years ago. I use it for my home garage and take it with my little dream car. I believe it is one of the best air compressors of the air market. I get still now its 2.5-hp motor producing about 110 psi of max pressure.


Sharon Roberts
7 years ago

I have a 12 v air compressor item 96068.
The yellow hose is breaking every time I redo it. Do you sell just the yellow hose?
Thank you
Sharon Roberts

7 years ago

A decant amount of parts are available here mastertoolrepair.com
I have never made a purchase there, but I came across the website when looking at Harbor Freight pumps, I wanted to see what the deal is with getting replacement parts be for purchasing a pump, I had my eye on that v2 pump but I’m not really seeing much in parts for it online the others lots of parts, I won’t buy it If I can’t fix it because it will brake eventually, see some stuff on ebay as well humm

7 years ago

I have a 2 yr o l d 2.5 HP Central Pneumatic 21 gal compressor and it won’t shut off??
Unit only has mayb 5 hrs of use.

Richard Andersen
8 years ago

Need piston ring for Central Pneumatic air compressor. Purchased at Harbor Freight 12/03/14 but used only two times. Item number on owner’s manual is 95275.